What’s the difference between 2A (STREET) and 3A (BEAST) protection? – The Self Defense Company

What’s the difference between 2A (STREET) and 3A (BEAST) protection?

What’s the difference between 2A (STREET) and 3A (BEAST) protection?

Level 2A Protection will stop penetration of:

  • 9mm Full Metal Jacket round at 1,090 feet per second (332 meters per second) 40 Caliber Full Metal Jacket round at 1025 feet per second (312 meters per second)
  • 357 Magnum Jacketed Soft Point at 1,250 feet per second (358 meters per second) *This is sufficient for the vast majority of threats you will encounter in the street for civilian life.
  • You will receive more blunt trauma injury than the 3A however it is the thinnest and lightest and works best for concealment and comfort.

Level 3A Protection will stop penetration of all Level 1, 2 and 2A threats plus:

  • 9mm Full Metal Jacket at 1,175 feet per second (358 meters per second)
  • 357 caliber at 1400 Feet Per Second (427 meters per second)
  • 9mm at 1400 feet per second (427 meters per second) *sub machine gun velocity
  • 44 caliber magnum semi-jacketed hollow point at 1,400 feet per second (427 meters per second).

* 3A will give you the highest blunt trauma protection rating in soft body armor.

This is the best for very high-risk situations to cover more of the uncommon or unusual threats.

This minimizes blunt trauma injury to allow you to return fire more effectively.

Published by Damian (Instructor)

Founder, The Self Defense Company