Re: 14 year old student kills his 24 year old teacher with a box cutter? Kids are becoming increasingly sadistic and F'd up these days. – The Self Defense Company

Re: 14 year old student kills his 24 year old teacher with a box cutter? Kids are becoming increasingly sadistic and F’d up these days.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture 14 year old student kills his 24 year old teacher with a box cutter? Kids are becoming increasingly sadistic and F’d up these days. Re: 14 year old student kills his 24 year old teacher with a box cutter? Kids are becoming increasingly sadistic and F’d up these days.

Dallas Williams

What the hell is wrong with kids these days doing more frequent and increasingly heinous acts of violence? People can say what they want and that the juvenile brain and ability to reason isn’t fully developed yet and this is true but there are some kids who like adults are simply pure incarnate evil and sociopathic.