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Reply To: What should be done about our current Mexico/US border security issue?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture What should be done about our current Mexico/US border security issue? Reply To: What should be done about our current Mexico/US border security issue?

Dallas Williams

I know that there is no easy solution and no matter what is done it will be of some expense to taxpayers and labor intensive and any action will have it’s critics. But there has to be some kind of balance struck between being compassionate and humanitarian to our fellow man regardless or nationality or ethnicity(many illegals currently attempting to cross the border are helpless women and children) while at the same time protecting our national security and making sure we have enough resources( jobs, food, healthcare, etc.) to sustain our own population. It’s almost impractical and would be very difficult and burdensome to taxpayers to say the least to build a border “fence” across the entire US/Mexico border and place armed guards all along it as is detaining illegals while housing and providing for all of their basic needs and preventing the spread of disease while they’re here. No matter what action the government decides to take if any, one thing property owners along the border can do is be more proactive about protecting their own property and stopping illegals from trespassing or crossing the border in the first place as much as possible. There are some illegal aliens that are involved in gang, crime, or drug related activity but many of them are just trying to escape horrible living and economic conditions in their own country and make a better life for themselves and their families. Does anybody here have any suggestions or input on how they feel the immigration crisis should be addressed?