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Reply To: What should be done about our current Mexico/US border security issue?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture What should be done about our current Mexico/US border security issue? Reply To: What should be done about our current Mexico/US border security issue?

Dallas Williams

Out of all the political debates you hear going on about the immigration crisis, never once do you hear any politician mention Mexican government’s responsibility in all of this. There is a reason why we don’t have a problem with Canadians always trying to cross our border at the north, is living conditions up there are such that most of their citizens are happy where they are. Good economy, healthcare, low crime rates, at least compared to Mexico. People tend to stereotype so much and believe that all illegals crossing the border are involved in crime or drug rings and are up to no good, and some are but most are just doing what they have to to survive or give their family a better life. We need to improve our system such that we can give a speedy honest path to naturalization and citizenship for for children or anybody trying to enter our country with a good background and good intentions and capture and deport those involved in gang, drug, prostitution, terrorist, or other crime related activity. This would be a lot better for both US citizens and foreigners themselves because that way they can get the benefits of citizenship or at least legal migrant worker status without being taken advantage of by crooked employers.