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Reply To: KOBK PodCast Vince Young Sucker Punch?!?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture KOBK PodCast Vince Young Sucker Punch?!? Reply To: KOBK PodCast Vince Young Sucker Punch?!?


As someone who is a firearms instructor and carries responsibly, I wouldn’t classify any of it as justified for drawing a firearm. You have talked about this a few times, but it always amazes me how many people rely solely on their gun rather than let be an element of a defensive plan. I had an infantry buddy who refused to learn ANY sort of H2H because his philosophy was “I have a gun, if they get that close then I guess I’ll just die”. It was crazy.

This CCW discussion also brings up another point about being a responsible armed citizen. A big part of that is training. In a study from 2019 it was found that less than 1% (yes, one percent!) of Texas CCW holders trained beyond the LTC certifying standard (which is not difficult). The study considered “training” as shooting a minimum of 100rds in a given 12 month period! That’s insane.