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Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture I need help – can someone explain to me what on earth is going on here? Reply To: I need help – can someone explain to me what on earth is going on here?


Like everything… there are two ways to look at it…
First, the instructor is an evil piece of shit, quasi-cult leader who is clearly taking advantage of these unknowing people. The other…is that the instructor is JUST LIKE THEM…never been in anytime of altercation and has been duped/taught by his instructor and his instructor before him..I’ve seen this so many times…more times than not, just a perpetuation of bullshit.

You can’t help but look at these students…do any of them look like that played a contact sport…I don’t think they have even bumped into someone else by accident. It is a shame…that the result is this…

My hope is that if they were ever faced with a REAL threat, their instinct would tell them to get the hell out of there.