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Mark Thomson

Hi.Im Mark, live in Australia and have been involved fight and self defence training for 40 odd years, in predominantly freestyle martial arts, muay thai (fought competitively) and being a freestyle fight system trained in and adapted the best of everything else so theres everything from krav maga to kung fu, traditional okinowan karate and wing chung to name a few.
The style was designed around combat situations for security work of varying degrees.
I worked in security in the middle east for a few years as well so I have a very clear understanding of how quickly things can go from bad to worse in a short space of time. Everything is different in a civilian situation where your life doesn’t matter 1 because you’re a foreigner and 2 badly injuring or killing someone is potentially the only way out.
I am fit active and train regularly but you can never know everything, there’s always a different or better way to do things and we arent training for the ring, we train to do the maximum damage in the shortest amount of time with the least effort. Im looking for whats on offer in your system so I dont get stale.
Mind you what I know has never let me down, I’m still standing while others aren’t. But even here some shit bag on the street will stab you without a second thought.
I do have a thirst for new ideas and continue to upskill.
Looking forward to the journey.