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Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Is Great Britain F#cked? Reply To: Is Great Britain F#cked?


I like this paragraph from the article: “The issue of Muslim aggression that underlies them is ignored or censored. Problems with Islamic religion or culture are regarded as taboo; the issues are discussed in euphemisms,” she said. “Anyone who does speak plainly about such matters is immediately hung out to dry as ‘right-wing’ or ‘far-right,’ the incoherent labels that are fixed onto anyone who contradicts left-wing dogma in order to stigmatize and silence them as social pariahs.”

There is quite a bit to unpack in that above statement, but it suffices to say that when people feel like their voice isn’t being heard or worse, ignored, frustration builds and all it takes is a flash point. Unfortunately, the minimization of groups of people happens on all sides. People are frustrated over current affairs for a variety of reasons and are looking for someone to blame. Many US cities are boiling to a point, and open conflict is one similar incident away from violence (check out some release interviews from the guy producing the documentary TREASON).

What we in the SDC can do though, is figure out how we use this information to help protect ourselves better? What do we learn about aggression, mobs, rioters, etc, and the psychology behind them? How does the information translate into awareness of developing situations?

This could definitely be a KoBK video.