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Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Is Great Britain F#cked? Reply To: Is Great Britain F#cked?


Exactly. This exercise exposed the constant psyop with which we are constantly being bombarded. Pharma, Military IC, Food, Tech…the unholy alliance between huge business and government was exposed. We saw the mechanism at work.

I’ll be clear…I didn’t vaccinate my kids. (Later…in their teens they one got tetanus, both go spinal meningitis before college…but they were 18).

Knock on wood – they really don’t get sick…at all. The occasional cold. I’m the only one in my house that got the VID… and that’s it.

To your point, I’ve only heard of one person who died of covid (80’s, hospitalized with a heart condition). Yet I know of 5 people who either have died or had heart issues around the time of being vaxxed.

I also think if Trump wasn’t in office, covid wouldn’t have been such a big deal. His battle with the media put him in a position where they were looking for him to fail. Enter covid.

They blew it out of proportion…he overreacted. The rest is history.