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Reply To: Is Great Britain F#cked?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Is Great Britain F#cked? Reply To: Is Great Britain F#cked?

Mathew Curley

Hello :)
I’m new here, Mathew is my name. Judging on the comments in this thread I’m in the right place.
How deep down the rabbit do we need to go to answer the question “Is Great Britain Fucked”.
I’m from there and my hometown has a serious problem with Muslim gangs and Muslim sex crimes. Where I live a lot of the politicians and even the Mayor are Muslim. They’ll do the dirty work of politics that our local honky tonk lads and lassies will not do so that opens the door to a skewed system in favour of Islam. When General Flynn came out saying we have to get more ordinary Americans into politics, he knew what he was talking about.
Great Britain is run by the same people that run the USA. Scottish Rites Freemasonry? 5 eyes? Hyper dimensional interference anyone?