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Reply To: Is Great Britain F#cked?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Is Great Britain F#cked? Reply To: Is Great Britain F#cked?


One of the old-time podcast favorites is Michael Savage his epithet; Borders, Language and Culture.
It has been a favorite saying and stands the test of time with the current open southern border.
Have no borders, we have no country to defend against our enemies or adversaries, we are being destroyed from within, overt and covert currently.
What does it take to restore our great country through nonviolent means?
We still have Antifa, BLM and the Islamist protestor-rioters among us. (God is still in control, he is watching).

Social media has not helped but manipulate, will these tech giants rear their ugly money to manipulate the public in November 5th as happened last time?
Every country is going through the same stuff, freedom of speech rioting, at least we have the second amendment to keep in check certain things depending this next election outcome.
Let’s not get too hysterical, cool heads must prevail over the current turmoil we experience today.