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Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Is Great Britain F#cked? Reply To: Is Great Britain F#cked?


Michael Savage…haven’t thought about him in a minute…

Borders, Language and Culture…what better way to control a population…

Let them in and then keep them isolated in their own neighborhoods with their own language. The less you are able to assimilate, the more frustrated you will become…the more desperate and of course, easy to manipulate.

A few years ago, we took my daughter to the heart of darkness (art school in California). When shopping, I noticed all of the signs were bi-lingual. This is new to me because we rarely see this on the east coast (even in the republic of NJ). Then I realized, what better way to keep a population in check…

If you don’t need to know the language because you can buy food, take a crap and find housing…then you really can stay locked into that world. You live in a community that speaks your language, you can go purchase whatever you need to live…what else can you ask for?

Truth is it locks you into a specific economic trajectory…manual labor. You can work construction, landscaping, cleaning, and restaurants…but if you don’t know the language, you will never own a construction company, landscaping business, cleaning service or restaurant. It will be challenging to apply for a loan, negotiate a lease or talk to potential investors with out a strong understanding of the language.

I don’t speak French, but if I were working in France and tried to climb the corporate ladder without learning the language, it aint going to happen.

Do I think this was the intention of the people who put the signs in…not really. I think, for the most part, the people on the left are trying to help and they’re scared. It’s the oligarchy that knows how to manipulate it. They have the playbook…the more frustrated we are, the easier it is for them to tell us WE NEED THEM.

THEM – most never held a job, built or created something. They “know us”.