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George don’t get me started! This is one of the things that drives me absolutely bonkers. My kids do BJJ at a gym called “Absolute Self Defense”. First off, until last month they only taught BJJ, now they have a dude who does Kali. Second, the “self defense” portion they cover for their belt tests is SOO bad I have to walk out because all I want to do it scream WTF! Each time they do I discuss how bad it is with my kids. At first they didn’t believe me, but after a while they began to see how the techniques being shown don’t even meet “common sense” standards, much less practical self defense ones.

I attended the school myself for a few months and got into some heated arguments with the “professors” about the self defense. Their reasonings were asinine (take EVERY core self defense assumption and throw it out the window). It started creating a situation where the professor felt threatened so then he started making the situation toxic towards me so I just stopped going.

All that said, GREAT gym for BJJ and has done my kids wonders, terrible gym for self defense, especially one that is named “Absolute Self Defense”.

The problem I have run into, like you said, is that this is the case in virtually every martial arts gym. The bigger issue is that this is what the public is used to. I have applied to work at several martial arts and fitness gyms as a self Defense instructor to get some more general practice teaching and they are always looking for a black belt in bjj or some other McFu martial art. This doesn’t even touch on “modern military combatives”.

You wanna see me rant and rave for an hour straight, let’s make this a KoBK discussion 😆