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Home Forums Tactics and Training Questions How do we block / defend? Reply To: How do we block / defend?


George, thanks for posting…

Quick question – would you let me have the first attack?

Even though we never met personally, there is NO WAY I would let you have the first shot.

You never know who you’re facing so please, erase that “let them throw the first punch” mentality.

It’s too late.

Action is faster than reaction and no matter how many times it works in karate class and sparring – in self defense, you still have the question of “IS HE GOING TO ATTACK ME OR NOT?” In sparring you already know this…and did you notice that even in sparring your blocks are limited to a few parry’s and covers? I never threw a high, low or middle block other than in forms and choreographed self defense.

You will not have time to block and react – so DELETE IT.

That being said your “block” is your attack.

Look at the edge of hand.

Chin down, elbow up, take ground. Your cover is built in.

If you chose to side step – your block is built in.

Just keep your chin down and take ground and attack.

When HE attacks – his attack as a specific target…an “X” marks the spot so to speak. As soon as you move the X his attack becomes less effective.

But that’s not all.

You’re assuming ONE ATTACK. But I assume that he wants to do to me what I want to do to him…OR WORSE so you must plan for a barrage of attacks. This you can’t black no matter what Jason Statham does :).

YOU ARE JUSTIFIED when your attacker has intent and ability. Proving intent is simple.

You establish distance and tell him “I don’t want to fight, stay there we can talk.”

As soon as he moves…BOOM goes the dynamite.

This isn’t the school yard….

Besides even if you let him throw the first punch and you beat hime blind, you’re still going to have to pay the same lawyer to defend you.

Add to that you will be having your hands up in a defensive manner and immediately call 9-1-1 complaining of chest pains and you will have a good defense.

Your day in court will be months after the incident and it’s all about what you can prove NOT THE TRUTH.

Witnesses and police reports will what your case is built on.

“I was in fear for my life. I backed up. Put my hands up and told him I didn’t want to fight and to stay back, that’s when he attacked me.”

To review –
Traditional blocks don’t work
Your protection is built into your attack
The “first punch” is actually his first step towards you
You build your defense by training to:
Back up to establish distance (if possible, if not look at Module 4)
Tell them you don’t want to fight
Call 9-1-1 saying “I was attacked and I’m having chest pains”
**Note you’re going to have to tell them where you are since they can’t trace calls without a second dispatcher on the line – it’s not like the movies.

Also – once you stop the threat – ESCAPE THE SCENE to a safe place.
Don’t stomp the life out of him…you’ll definitely have some legal issues then.