– The Self Defense Company

Reply To: NEW Live Training Instructors Added

Home Forums Live Training, Seminars and Certifications NEW Live Training Instructors Added Reply To: NEW Live Training Instructors Added


We’re just starting to implement this into the program. It’s important that we start slow, allow all of us to learn an make mistakes — and search for the people who really want to do this and those who don’t.

If you’re already teaching, you understand this already.

The purpose of the intro lesson is to get them comfortable and purchase a full lesson.

Your goal should be one lesson per month, plus one certification per month. If they’re training and they can do it…certify them, just as if you were training them in person.

Then he people who show aptitude will become instructors underneath you — same as in the dojo, only difference is that there’s plenty of room to grow, you have a business plan for them and they will help build your business as you help build theirs.