Re: A question about Carl Cestari? – The Self Defense Company

Re: A question about Carl Cestari?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture A question about Carl Cestari? Re: A question about Carl Cestari?


First about the video – and time spent with Carl.

You could tap, but Carl stopped when he felt he should stop. A habit I developed as a result of my time with him. But there was a reason behind it.

From an uke stand point, you build a tolerance and develop a pain threshold. From a tori perspective you train to keep going.

Regarding the reasons he did what he did…he’s dead and that’s the end of it. Whatever happened is between him, the people who were there and GOD. Personally I never asked him what happened because it was clear there were other things going on besides what was on the surface. He offered to take me to someone to hear the story and I declined because it wasn’t needed.

All I know is that whatever the reason it ate him up inside and I believe that’s why he “let death take him.”

Even though it added to his development and knowledge in the realm of kill or get killed, I don’t think would have paid that price, ever.

Let’s leave it where it is and remember him as an intelligent and articulate person.