Re: Adversary with hands up in boxing/fist fighting stance? – The Self Defense Company

Re: Adversary with hands up in boxing/fist fighting stance?

Home Forums Tactics and Training Questions Adversary with hands up in boxing/fist fighting stance? Re: Adversary with hands up in boxing/fist fighting stance?


JR kept in doing what your doing. Sooner or later they will realize mma type defense does not work in the street. And great point in tapping. Personally I’ve had to use these skills a few times in the past 6 months and they work! Especially the web of hand to the throat even if it’s not full force it works like a charm. I unfortunately had to use that on a load mouth high school ghetto girl who true to attack me while djing a dance at their high school. She charged at me and the very first reaction was a quick but controlled web of hand to her throat and a quick shoulder lock and I walked her right on over to the officer working the dance. He witnessed the whole ordeal and even asked for pointers after the fact. She was unharmed but highly upset, school bullies are always fun to take down. I despise bullies!