Re: Are these changes normal in a guy becoming more fit and gaining muscle? – The Self Defense Company

Re: Are these changes normal in a guy becoming more fit and gaining muscle?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Are these changes normal in a guy becoming more fit and gaining muscle? Re: Are these changes normal in a guy becoming more fit and gaining muscle?

Young Wang

Testosterone needs a legal outlet. Dallas, if it bothers you, it’s perfectly legal to ask your sister’s boyfriend that you and him need to have a 1-on-1 guy talk outside. Now that you guys are alone, put a hand on his shoulder and tell him firmly but POLITELY what’s been bothering you. Will it solve anything? Maybe, maybe not but I GUARANTEE you that you will feel better and like more of a man for doing so and exerting your natural dominance.

Regarding the libido, the obvious answer, that’s perfectly legal, is to start talking to every attractive girl you see no matter where you are, SINGLE girls, to be exact. You should NEVER even bother looking at GROUPS of girls during the day. Not because it’s disrespectful, but because you miss out on the girls who are ALONE and shopping by THEM SELF. Keep in mind that you never KNOW for sure if a girl is underage until you ask. Best thing to do is to ask for directions to the nearest Starbucks, etc. and transition the conversation to more friendly/social to find out her age. A lot of girls just have a baby face. Introduce your self off a hi-five or a hand shake and just hold on to their hand and that’s the trick, DON’T let go of her hand while keeping the conversation going. The girls that are NOT DTF will immediately yank out their hand no matter what you do so you should just LEAVE after trying twice. The Maybe girls will yank out their hand the 1st time you try, but if you go back to normal conversation and build more social comfort, you can try again in a couple minutes and maybe turn them into a YES DTF girl. No more guesswork and mental masturbation about whether or not she’s DTF, if she was, she’d let you hold onto her hand without getting creeped out.