Re: Beware of scams in the world of fitness just like in self defense! – The Self Defense Company

Re: Beware of scams in the world of fitness just like in self defense!

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Beware of scams in the world of fitness just like in self defense! Re: Beware of scams in the world of fitness just like in self defense!

James Goolsby

@Dallas Williams said:

If jerking off really built muscle then all of us would be walking around with arms the size of Ronnie Coleman :)

Ha! It’s like I told the guys at work the other night: “I’m gonna go home and have some sex… and if the internet is down I might even wake up the wife!”

Speaking of Shake Weights, have you seen the vids where the dude is using one outside police stations with his back turned? He almost got arrested several times. Classic stuff. Laugh