Re: Binks-Broadcom Makes Deadly Mistake! – The Self Defense Company

Re: Binks-Broadcom Makes Deadly Mistake!

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Binks-Broadcom Makes Deadly Mistake! Re: Binks-Broadcom Makes Deadly Mistake!


Human Weapon posted
How about two rotweilers and a .12 gauge, how’s that for a security system.

Rott[u:k8lmz1fl]weilers are good if their Shitzhunde trained, they won’t eat anything unless given to them by the Boss. Therefore they won’t be distracted or posioned by a big juicy steak. Also dogs have been known to get shot. Also make sure you have shells with a little less bulk than deer slug or buck shot for in-home protection. Get a shell with the smallest pellet. It’ll still put someone down at close range but it won’t go through walls quite as easy or penetrate as far.
Got to protect the family right, even from yourself. [/u:k8lmz1fl]