Re: Bullshit Episode is airing next Thursday, June 24th @ 10pm – The Self Defense Company

Re: Bullshit Episode is airing next Thursday, June 24th @ 10pm

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Bullshit Episode is airing next Thursday, June 24th @ 10pm Re: Bullshit Episode is airing next Thursday, June 24th @ 10pm


I liked that lady. I’d do a class with her.

Now, I wouldn’t classify what she’s doing as “martial,” but that kind of movement is pretty damn relaxing and meditative. I can see where doing that everyday would make one a more relaxed person, physically and mentally.

Not only that, but moving like that conditions your body with a certain grace. My sisters were both ballerinas and I, being 100 percent real man totally secure in my manhood, would often practice stuff with them. That stuff is similar to Tai Chi. It might look gay, but gracefully moving your body and elegantly controlling it is not as easy as it looks. Great for balance too.

For example, you could throw a side kick real fast, and it’d be easier to keep your balance than if you threw it in super slow motion.

No doubt they edited the footage of this lady for the most ridiculous looking footage, but I see nothing wrong with what she’s doing.