Re: Coldest air we've had in years better time than now to prepare for the worst :)! – The Self Defense Company

Re: Coldest air we’ve had in years coming…no better time than now to prepare for the worst :)!

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Coldest air we’ve had in years coming…no better time than now to prepare for the worst :)! Re: Coldest air we’ve had in years coming…no better time than now to prepare for the worst :)!

James Goolsby

@Dallas Williams said:

No kidding James :) , we’ll have to meet up and hang out sometime. The Junkyard Dog steakhouse resturant is a nice place, at least by Hohenwald standards. We could eat and maybe go over and exchange a few techniques or ideas. I’ve always wanted to meet and train with a fellow legion member but you’re the only one who’s really in my area.

Definitely! Shoot me a PM at scribesntribes[at]gmail and I’ll send you my cell number. It’d be great to get together sometime.

Dog sounds good. Although, I’ve noticed HPD likes to hang out at that Mexican restaurant next to the train “museum”… and one thing us cops are good at is finding food! Laugh