Re: Coldest air we've had in years better time than now to prepare for the worst :)! – The Self Defense Company

Re: Coldest air we’ve had in years coming…no better time than now to prepare for the worst :)!

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Coldest air we’ve had in years coming…no better time than now to prepare for the worst :)! Re: Coldest air we’ve had in years coming…no better time than now to prepare for the worst :)!


Yep all I can say is it’s freaking cold outside! Here in south east Louisiana it’s 29 with a wind chill of 19. This morning at 630 the wind chill was around 8 and of course my dog wants to stay outside and play, hell no haha. Like Dallas said mod 6 is a bitch in this kind of cold weather. [Damian Ross] do you have any tips on training outside in this kinda cold. I know you jersey guys are use to it but us southern boys ain’t used to anything below 30.