Re: Colonel Dave Grossman is right on here when it comes to the correlation between violent video games and gun violence. – The Self Defense Company

Re: Colonel Dave Grossman is right on here when it comes to the correlation between violent video games and gun violence.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Colonel Dave Grossman is right on here when it comes to the correlation between violent video games and gun violence. Re: Colonel Dave Grossman is right on here when it comes to the correlation between violent video games and gun violence.


I really respect Colonel Grossman and have read a number of things he’s written, but I don’t agree with him when it comes to video games. Millions of adults and children who shouldn’t be allowed because of their age play these games. They don’t turn wonderful children into psychopaths. A warped mind will use them to plan their next assault, but most kids see them as a game and they go back to their normal lives. Same with kids who have toy guns, played Dungeons and Dragons, and listened to Rap and Heavy Metal music. These are simple excuses for much deeper problems like issues with the family, bullying, and lack of mental health care. There is no quick fix and some of the worst crimes committed this past century have been committed by individuals who didn’t have electricity let alone TV.