Re: Colonel Dave Grossman is right on here when it comes to the correlation between violent video games and gun violence. – The Self Defense Company

Re: Colonel Dave Grossman is right on here when it comes to the correlation between violent video games and gun violence.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Colonel Dave Grossman is right on here when it comes to the correlation between violent video games and gun violence. Re: Colonel Dave Grossman is right on here when it comes to the correlation between violent video games and gun violence.

Dallas Williams

What do our mass shooters all seem to have in common? Most all of them, including the latest Aaron Alexis played violent shoot to kill video games. When are people gonna finally see the connection here that in allowing our children to play shit like this that we’re allowing them to be trained and conditioned to be killers and not to protect or defend but to kill in cold blooded malice. But instead people want to focus on banning guns when as Grossman states the countries and places with the tightest gun control are the ones with the highest rates of violence, including our own USA lately. If we want to ban anything why not ban the garbage that is teaching our youth how to kill and desensitizing them to violence, death, and the prospect of killing another human being(not to mention in the process causing kids and even some adults to become more sedentary, fat, unhealthy, and emotionally disconnected from those around them) and not the guns which by themselves can do no harm and in the hands of responsible individuals can stop attackers and save lives. We need to teach and encourage our kids to do something constructive and worthwhile with their time like exercising, playing sports, helping a neighbor or family out with chores, or spending more time reading and studying to do better in school and become more productive and fulfilled members of society. Seriously I used to be a big gamer in my teens before I began college and work and studying took up so much of my free time and only then did I realize how much time wasting and brain frying and ass sitting I was spending my youth on. For real take the damn video games and trash and burn them or if you really can’t stand to destroy them and want to make a few bucks in the process to Gamestop or somewhere and trade the fuckers in and start living life or allowing your kids to live theirs. Smile