Re: CONSPIRATORIAL vs PHILOSOPHICAL (or Ideological) – The Self Defense Company


Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture CONSPIRATORIAL vs PHILOSOPHICAL (or Ideological) Re: CONSPIRATORIAL vs PHILOSOPHICAL (or Ideological)


Unfortunately you are way way off.

Your post is evidence that you don’t know much about logic. And that’s not an insult it’s just a statement of fact.

If you were to honestly search for an understanding of logic it will open your mind to a whole new reality.

That’s not arrogance, as I definitely DON’T know everything or even pretend to.

Truly using your intellect in an honest way simply means that when you acknowledge that you don’t know something you pursue understanding using a logical approach.

The article that I posted a link to and you read was nonsense, it is a demonstration of how using facts and words in an illogical manner one can write nonsense.

There is a problem when anyone appeals to a higher power.
It stops people from thinking and stops our understanding.

There was a great quote once written that went something like:

There is understanding and belief and they both take us down different paths and only one of those moves us forward. Take a guess which one, yes it’s understanding.

Think about it, do you think my post or yours is more arrogant?

I’m claiming I know little, but will follow a logical approach to learning more and you’re claiming to “know” something which can’t be known by appealing to a higher power and quoting statements that have been taken out of context.

Without evidence we have nothing.

As for opportunity.

Opportunity is controlled by the powerful regardless if you are liberal, conservative, communist or whatever. Think about it, do you think communists can be trusted with power anymore than liberals or conservatives?

They are all after the same thing they just use different means.

When opportunity is controlled by those with power to further their power, they will never give you an opportunity unless it helps them. And even then you will only be controlled. Greed only begets more greed.

There is nothing wrong with wanting wealth and power, as long as that wealth is related to the value you contribute and that power over your own life, the minute your power is dependent on bringing others down, then you begin going down a losing path.

There is nothing arrogant in what I’m saying here, just that you like myself and anyone claiming to be a truth seeker, needs to put themsellves on a path to further their understanding.

Failing to do so will only keep one rationalizing as opposed to being rational.

The difference being that you will be defending an emotional position instead of one that was arrived through logic.