Re: Defense agains a punch kick etc..? – The Self Defense Company

Re: Defense agains a punch kick etc..?

Home Forums Welcome to the Legion! Defense agains a punch kick etc..? Re: Defense agains a punch kick etc..?


Action is faster than reaction. It is impossible to determine what type of attack under REAL WORLD conditions. Training and practice scenarios are not real world so you have to stick to what we know is fact.

You will not face a single attack, but a barrage of relentless and brutal assaults. Once you lose the momentum, you have major problems against a good street fighter.

So how do you handle a punch or a kick. simple, cover and body movement.

Attack first and keep attacking. We are all nice. law abiding people, but in The Truth About Self Defense video, you see how to “smoke out” when you are being set up. Let’s say someone asks you for some spare change, you say no and try to leave the scene and the subject still pursues you, well you now know there is a good possibility they WANT MORE THAN spare change.

Now you have to make a decision, attack or leave.

On the attack like we cover in mod 1, keep your elbow up and your chin down (don’t cover your eyes!!!). AND TAKE GROUND- always be where he’s standing. He’s off balance, you have the momentum, keep the pressure on until he is no longer a threat.

Waiting or an attack is a Hollywood fabrication. Musashi, the greatest sword fighter of all of Japan would literally ambush his opponents hours before the scheduled dual. The point is, it’s not a matter of who’s right, only who’s left!

Now, I know you mind your business and don’t look for trouble, rescue kittens out of trees and help little old ladies cross the street.

Tactically, if you wait for an actual strike, punch, kick or stab your odds go in the basement.

Still not convinced…test it. Take one of your friends, put both your hands on their shoulders and your chin tucked with your head below the shoulder line (just like in mod 1). Tell them to start trying to punch and kick you while you are running them over (keep your hands on his shoulder and DRIVE).

A few things are going to happen:
1. Any punch will graze your skull (you might want to have him strike with open hands so he doesn’t smash his knuckles)
2. He won’t be able to kick while hes’ trying to stay on his feet.
3. He will trip and fall over something. In the real world, you can’t go five feet without running into a car, a stump or something.

What if your faced off. Remember… you want to be far enough away so that as soon as he shifts his weight, you move in one of four directions, forward, back, left or right and ATTACK.

Put a training knife in his hand and do the same thing. Put a stick or a club in his hand and do the same thing. You will get the same results every time.

Attack the man and keep attacking. We all want to focus on the individual technique, but this is a crucial and fatal mistake. It would be like focusing on artillery fire when you have ground troops and air assault to contend with. TACTICS always come first. Attack the man, take ground, keep your chin down and your elbow up.