Re: Do I need a partner? – The Self Defense Company

Re: Do I need a partner?

Home Forums Welcome to the Legion! Do I need a partner? Re: Do I need a partner?


Yes; it’s true for a lot of the advanced techniques. There is no way of getting around it. In order to get the feel of how to throw and to really learn how to take someone down to the ground w/out strikes, you should grapple, even a little bit.

The techniques where you literally could practice a few times and get it instantly are the Hockey Take Down, the Snap Down and The Bull Dog Take Down.

These are the essentials for any police or security work. By the time you get to Module 10 you’ll know that yo technically DON’T need combat throws and take downs to defend yourself.

However, you do get a litany of training drills and exercises that are designed for you to do on your own to developing thrown skill and core power.

Its the Advanced portion of the training. No program would be complete without the last 3 modules simply from an information stand point.