Re: Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real. – The Self Defense Company

Re: Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real. Re: Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real.

James Goolsby

[Dallas Williams],

It’s not that joint locks don’t work, per se. I’m a police officer and I can tell you we use them all the time with good results. The trick is knowing when to use them and when you’re just fooling yourself with some “Steve Seagull” crap. Like the song goes: you gotta know when to hold ’em and know when to fold ’em.

Take Aikido, for example. There are some very good control holds and throws that we use all the time. But if you think for one second you’re going to catch some dirtbag’s hand as he throws a punch like you see in the movies or on YouTube you’ve got another thing coming. (btw… I call that particular technique, “catching butterflies with your bare hands”, because you’ll be about as successful doing that, too. Laugh) Some of the moves the guy in this video is using fall into that category. If he already has his opponent in his grasp and needs further control, this stuff will work. But if dude is some scumbag hell-bent on taking his head off and he doesn’t have at least some level of control already, well, good luck with all that.

Furthermore, I can assure you that no one… and I mean NO ONE… will come at you with a knife like shown in this video. Traditional martial arts always utilize these same long distance, plenty-of-time-to-react attacks, whether it’s a punch, kick, or some type of weapon. It’s all BS. Just hit up YouTube — or better yet, BlueTube — for clips of real knife attacks. You will see right away that it looks nothing like this.

So again, it’s not that moves like this are necessarily bad — though I do think the majority of them are overly complicated — they’re just being used at a bad time. Much like trying to use a screwdriver to pound in a nail, if you don’t use the correct tool for the job, you might find yourself in trouble. That’s why I am so committed to SDTS. [Damian Ross] has shaved everything down to the absolute bare minimum. We now have the very essence of self-defense, where one “technique” (I hesitate to even call them that) is the solution to multiple problems, i.e., non-specific defenses. This is the genius of the system and the reason I’m such a DR disciple… I’m literally using this stuff to ensure I get home to see my family every day. Do you think for one second I would rely on something that I didn’t know would work 99.999% of the time?

Stay safe.