Re: Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real. – The Self Defense Company

Re: Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real. Re: Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real.

Dallas Williams

“Furthermore, I can assure you that no one… and I mean NO ONE… will come at you with a knife like shown in this video.” James Goolsby

For real, nobody with a knife is ever gonna attack you in a slow, predictable, controlled manner like they do in the martial arts world or movies. It’s more like the damn dreaded folsom prison style knifing where they come at you repeatedly stabbing toward your chest or gut with everything they’ve got. Hell just give any even 12 year old school girl a knife and if they have the intent to kill they can be just as deadly as Dan Inosanto or those other fillipino martial art experts. Weapons are game changers and equalizers and allow somebody like women or girls who under normal circumstances would be too weak or incapable of doing much damage with their bare hands to be lethal and that’s why as SDTS students we are taught to be the one with the weapon using it offensively and not the guy trying to defend against it whenever possible. For me the very last line of defense against a knife attack would be going against the attacker bare handed. If you can try to run, find things to put between yourself and the attacker or throw at him to buy you some time until you can either draw your own weapon or pick up an improvised one like a baseball bat, golf club, shovel, lol even a chair like Damian shows us in reality check, anything to give yourself the advantage of distance while still being able to do damage to him. Most important principle is no matter what means you’re using attack and eliminate the man instead of worrying about the weapon. Since you are a police officer James I seriously hope you never have to encounter such a situation that involves a man( or woman) trying to come after you with a knife or any other weapon for that matter. So glad Damian gives us, police military and civilians alike, the SDTS to be able to arm ourselves and prepare and train for the very worst situations possible should they happen we will at least be prepared with the best knowledge and skills possible that there is. Take care James and stay safe out there Smile !