Re: Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real. – The Self Defense Company

Re: Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real. Re: Example of some martial arts techniques from jujutsu that would never work for real.

Dallas Williams

So they call this the official fighting art of the Samurai? I call bullshit cause I know that they would’ve never used these twisty wristy joint lock techniques in combat. People can make the argument that they would’ve employed joint locks more back then sense they were so heavily armored that strikes would have been useless, but really any more useless than joint locks? Their opponent could just as easily in the heat of real life combat resist this stuff just as people can today and it’s fucking impossible to have the wherewithal to be able to pull this complicated mess off in an adrenaline fueled fight to the death moment. And so what if you can manage to lock up one of your opponents arms, he’s still got three damn other limbs to fight with. The reality is the Samurai, mideivel knights, spartans, mongols, and every other ancient and modern combat warrior since or before then fights the same way under duress and combat despite what martial arts nuts train and say works in the dojo. We strike(but especially with armored opponents those strikes better be open handed or at least hammerfists), we gouge, we bite, and we rip and tear, and beyond that we employ edged, pointed, or blunt weapons to stab, cut, slash, beat, or bludgeon the shit out of the enemy, a chain, garment, rope, or cord or the like to strangle and asphyxiate them to death, or in modern times if we’re fortunate enough and have enough time can deploy our firearm and blast them.
That’s pretty much the summation of hand to hand combat and despite all of the fancy decorative choreography the vast array of martial arts put into their syllabus and have you believe are real and applicable parts of hand to hand combat it’s really nothing but just that just pure decorated perfumed bullshit to make themselves and their practicioners look better and more skilled like they can take out anyone and be better show offs than Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Steven Seagal, Van Damme, etc. The reality is there are only so many ways you can attack or kill another human being, hell even combat sports like mma show that only a handful of martial arts and their techniques are practical and applicable to work even in the ring and the rest in even in controlled environments in competition is still complete and utter nonsense. When was the last time you saw a fillipino kali, wing chun, or aikido guy win a mma fight or even compete period lol? The point is when Damian says “train honestly” this is what he means Laugh. Train for self defense only tactics that are proven in blood to work and save your ass in real life such as those demonstrated in the SDTS modules and leave the nonsense in the dojo or in controlled environments like competitions where they belong.