Re: How to spot a Sanctimonious Martial Artist – The Self Defense Company

Re: How to spot a Sanctimonious Martial Artist

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture How to spot a Sanctimonious Martial Artist Re: How to spot a Sanctimonious Martial Artist



Great insight. You know you’re not always going to be great at everything you do and it usually comes down to the square peg, round hole problem.

There are some careers that I thought I should like that worked out OK, but really weren’t a great fit.

The example of being your wanting to be a DARE officer is an excellent one. I’m sure you could have continued on and provided a fine service without anyone noticing the difference. But, you had the insight to realize that this wasn’t what you thought it would be and pulled the plug on it.

Most people stick with something that they thought they should do and do it long enough until they hate their job and eventually their lives.

I always think of Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”.