Re: I know all of us here at the SDTS are survivalists but...what about cannibalism? – The Self Defense Company

Re: I know all of us here at the SDTS are survivalists but…what about cannibalism?

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture I know all of us here at the SDTS are survivalists but…what about cannibalism? Re: I know all of us here at the SDTS are survivalists but…what about cannibalism?

Dallas Williams

It seems here the survivors of this Andes mountain plane crash had no other choice or source of food other than that of their dead comrades. In cold weather you must have a source of food, especially protein, to generate body heat and survive and if there no other accessible sources then what other option would you have. If I was in their position having to eat another human being would sicken and disgust me but really isn’t it about who gets to live and go home to their families, and if the others were already dead looking at it from a tactical standpoint they could serve no other purpose anyway.