Re: I think this might just be the most rediculous rape defense idea I've ever heard of. – The Self Defense Company

Re: I think this might just be the most rediculous rape defense idea I’ve ever heard of.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture I think this might just be the most rediculous rape defense idea I’ve ever heard of. Re: I think this might just be the most rediculous rape defense idea I’ve ever heard of.

Dallas Williams

Women and girls relying on a garment of “protective clothing” to protect them from getting raped? This sounds very similar to Captain Chris’s idea of using armored backpacks to help prevent kids from being shot in the event of a school shooting. Things like this can instill a false sense of confidence into people and in effect cause them to avoid taking other and more practical measures to protect themselves from harm. What happens in the event that the rapist attempts to undress them and he’s pissed because the undergarments can’t be removed and the victim has no other means of protecting herself? There are other ways sexual assault can take place besides vaginally or anally and these protective garments still won’t protect you from being physically assaulted, beaten, strangled, stabbed, or shot. The most logical choice is to be aware of your surroundings and who you associate with and avoid being put in a situation where you could be raped in the first place. And in the event that you are attacked and unable to escape having the knowledge and skill necessary to defend yourself and eliminate the treat to your safety both with and without weapons. Empowering people to protect themselves, overcome their attacker, and be prepared to avoid and escape all variety of attempted crimes such as robbery, carjacking, rape, assault, or murder and would be criminals learning that people are prepared and will no longer take shit from them is a much better means of preventing and stopping this rampage of crime in our society than crazy inventions like this resulting from individuals attempting to capitalize off of an epidemic in our society and it’s victims or silly liberal notions of trying to change a violent culture that has always been a part of human society and always will be there or perfecting a justice system that never has and never will be perfect.