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I love you guys, I really do. Calling you all crack pots is offensive to those with real mental problems and are paranoid. I never judge someone for their believe system or ideology here, because the self defense company trains everyone. We supply the training and you can be intolerant or racist on your own time. At the end of the day I really don’t care, unless you try to hurt those close to me, and well you will regret it.
About the only thing you did say that was correct is Germany along with other European countries does have laws preventing people from debating the Holocaust. Is that right? No I don’t think so, but it reminds me just how important the right of free speech really is, and that you have to hope that people have common sense.
Oh by the way real Nazis would never have denied killing millions to provide breeding space for the master race, though after talking with folks like you I really think they were off when they came to that concept of racial superiority. Come on aren’t you proud that your spiritual founders killed millions of innocent women and children. That isn’t counting those killed by police and those starved too death. Why don’t you admit that killing Jews is okay with you? Maybe you’re a white separatist who just doesn’t want to live near anyone different, but you don’t want to get your hands dirty.
Now before you start ranting about me being a liberal or not educated in the ways of the world I’d like you to know I believed all this crap at one point too. Well maybe not everything I wasn’t that stupid, but I knew one of the insiders of the National Alliance, and she and I had plans to settle down together and prepare for civil unrest. We wrote articles together and shared ideas about weapons and survival tactics, and even our plans for what to do when society clasped. Than something happen, I didn’t see the light, but rather I simply grew up.
Hate blinds you to all that is really out there in the world both good and bad. Do I get along with everyone, hell no, but I respect them enough when I’m around them until I can get away from them.
Guys like you though sit around and spin these complex tales of why the world is the way it is. You blame the Jews, the Free Masons, the communists, and even when there was a time when people like me were willing to listen you realize there is no substance to your arguments, and I say that as historian. Love to hop on you band wagon, but there isn’t any real proof to this vast conspiracy. Sorry to be the one to break this to you, but the sorry state of your life right now is largely your own fault.
That’s right you can blame the Jewish bankers all you want, but the stock market crashed for everyone. Couldn’t get a house, well that will happen when your credit score is bad.
We didn’t win Vietnam, well the communists fought hard and wanted it more.
9-11 couldn’t have been some vast Zionist conspiracy, because someone would have talked. Never mind controlled demolitions works differently than what we saw happen, and jet fuel does burn hot enough to melt steel. I’m still trying to figure out exactly how the war is benefiting this secret cabal, but I’m sure you have some answer. Me I would think if this whole underground superpower filled with bankers, communists and intellectuals (those are people who read and go to college) would manage to learn how to win a war. After all according to you they’ve had practice.
So in closing the Reich would have fallen apart even if they did win, and didn’t run that well for the time it did exist. You’re right 6 million probably didn’t die, many more were murdered, and nobody in the Nazi regime denied it. Zyklon-B was made to kill rats and actually created by a Jew prior to the war.
9-11 happen because we didn’t take a very real threat seriously and a group of fanatics did the bidding of a religious fundamentalist with delusions of building an empire. You know the type your people followed someone like that once, and it worked out so well the last time.
Also it doesn’t take much to go sieg heil in your buddy’s basement, but try it in the mild of the yard or in a neighborhood where your the minority. I doubt you have the balls, but I know you don’t have the brains.
My family sacrificed a lot to deal with fascists once before and I’ll be damned if I let you people get away with anything on my watch.