Re: In Honor of the Invasion of Normandy – The Self Defense Company

Re: In Honor of the Invasion of Normandy

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture In Honor of the Invasion of Normandy Re: In Honor of the Invasion of Normandy


Dude, did the Germans come here? No we went to Europe. We need to stay home and mind our own business. If we were at war with Canada and we were kicking our arses and we offered Canada peace terms. But Mexico heard about this and they said, the heck with America and they contact Canada and they sayhey don’t accept peace with them. If you will promise us Texas after the war is over we will enter the war and together we will defeat America. You tell them they must surrender unconditionally. These are terms we always insist upon our defeated enemies. So it is done and America loses the war and a million more killed and they must surrender unconditionally. Then America learns later that they lost the war only because Mexico wanted Texas and this was the only reason the war was prlonged. We would be pissed with Mexico and we wouldn’t ever let them forget this, but the Jews did this very thing with the USA and Germany, but the Germans are the bad guys.

Damian, if you read this I want you to know everything I write you can check for yourself. This jerk off that keeps commenting has never read more than the reader’s Digest and should be banned for malicious ignorance. This guy got burned by a german girl or he ate some bad veinerschnitzel. To degrade the best people in Europe who went through so much to defend Europe from Communism.