Re: Injured Training – The Self Defense Company

Re: Injured Training

Dallas Williams

This is exactly why SDTS is superior to everything else for self defense, is you can still train or fight if you have to at least somewhat effectively even if you’re injured, sick, minorly intoxicated due to alcohol or drugs, out of shape, or disabled because the tactics used are gross motor movements that can still be physically performed and mentally recalled under stress or less than optimal conditions. It doesn’t require a great deal of cognitive thought or physical ability or a lot of training to be able to throw an axe hand, heel of hand, hand yoke, elbow spike, etc. and even less to stab them in the solar plexus or neck with a knife or whack them in the head with a black jack, but not so for more complex strikes or techniques you see in martial art or competitive sport based fighting like boxing or mma. In fact it is the injured, ill, elderly, or disabled who need self defense skills more than anybody else because that is who predators are most likely target because they see them as more weak and vulnerable marks. But with knowledge and training in the SDTS you can quickly prove them wrong and make them sorry they ever decided to mess with you no matter who you are :)!