Re: Looks like Ralph and Clint are back at it again lol. – The Self Defense Company

Re: Looks like Ralph and Clint are back at it again lol.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Looks like Ralph and Clint are back at it again lol. Re: Looks like Ralph and Clint are back at it again lol.

James Goolsby


I found this out first-hand when I was studying a “traditional”style that I was told dated back to ancient Japan. I found out later that it, in fact, only dated back to the late 1950’s when the “grandmaster” basically took the standard karate style he was trained in and “blended” it with techniques that he supposedly found in “ancient” Japanese texts. He mixed in some spiffy uniforms and armor, added a handful of sword techniques that I found out later he got from Kendo, and — voila — a samurai art is born.

It was at this point that I pretty much gave up on traditional arts. I just couldn’t trust their lineage any more. Ironically, it was only AFTER I walked away due to false history that I began thinking about whether the shit actually worked or not. Sad, really; I should have been asking that question all along. It would have saved me 30 years of training. I was so caught up in tradition that I never questioned whether or not the spinning-reverse-wings-of-fire-crouching-dragon-hidden-tiger technique would work on an actual resistive opponent. Oh, well, now the truth is known and I will never go back. Wink