Re: Looks like Willie Robertson would be a good candidate for module 7 of the SDTS lol. – The Self Defense Company

Re: Looks like Willie Robertson would be a good candidate for module 7 of the SDTS lol.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Looks like Willie Robertson would be a good candidate for module 7 of the SDTS lol. Re: Looks like Willie Robertson would be a good candidate for module 7 of the SDTS lol.

Dallas Williams

@ Damian and Young you guys are right because as long as you stay hydrated if you have excess body fat it will sustain you until you have no more to loose or you’re down to your desired level. However, I tend to not do well with diets as I love to stuff my piehole and not a picky eater at that. Especially on workout(LIFTING) days I’m hungry enough as we say here in TN to “eat the asshole out of a skunk.” I try to keep most of my diet clean, ex. lean meats, fish and fruits and vegetables but I’m not perfect and also like to splurge on other things at times like dairy, sweets, or fast foods. And I can see how easy it would be to overeat if you have a cook as good as Mrs. Kay Robertson lol.