Re: Looks like Willie Robertson would be a good candidate for module 7 of the SDTS lol. – The Self Defense Company

Re: Looks like Willie Robertson would be a good candidate for module 7 of the SDTS lol.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Looks like Willie Robertson would be a good candidate for module 7 of the SDTS lol. Re: Looks like Willie Robertson would be a good candidate for module 7 of the SDTS lol.

Dallas Williams

I love Duck Dynasty and I believe the show is helping bring back and promote masculinity and core American family values and I respect everything Willie Robertson has accomplished as the CEO of Duck/Buck Commander, but he could be taken a lot more seriously as business executive and avoid being the brunt of a lot of jokes from his family and co-workers if he got in shape and presented a better outward appearance. Just look at the difference between Willie and Damian Ross both men in the same age range, Damian actually 4 or 5 years older than Willie. Who would you look at and automatically believe would be better and more efficient at not only taking care of themselves and their family but being a better leader and manager of the affairs of their company. I don’t know about you but I’m going with Damian lol. If you want to earn respect as a man and especially when in a leadership position, then you have to look the part and portray an image of masculinity, power, and authority. People will question how you can effectively manage and run a company when it appears that you are lazy and don’t even take care of your body and outward appearance. And looking like an unkempt, unshaven, long haired fatass hippie definetly does not cut it. However a man having a muscular fit body and keeping his hair and facial hair well groomed and under control gives a presentation of one who is neat, well organized, strong, hard working, and most importantly as a business CEO competent and effective. Willie would be a great candidate for the SDTS just as any one else of us would not only for learning practical no nonsense self defense but to get in top fighting shape and build the body of your dreams and help build the confidence needed to stand out among your fellow friends and coworkers and earn respect and admiration from them and manage a business, and last but not least give you more manpower when approaching women for potential date and if you’re already in a relationship or married having the body and physical stamina to keep her happy and satisfied with you.