Re: Makiwara – The Self Defense Company

Re: Makiwara


I agree Damian, NO wall mounting unless you are into joint replacement. That bag is good to mount on a 2”x8” you can screw some hooks on the back side of the 2”x8” hook the grommets over the hooks then lay the pad on the front side of the 2’x8” you can use two 4”x6” x3/8’’ angles to mount the board, sandwich the board between the angles 6’ side and bolt together, use the 4’ side to bolt to the floor. It will be nice and flexible unlike mounting to a wall. Another thing you can do with the bag is mount it to BOB’s back using a small ratchet strap (Ratchet on the front side of BOB away from you) the needed flexibility is built into BOB so you don’t need to worry joint damage like you would if you mounted it to a wall but you still get the conditioning benefits. For uppercuts just place some short boards under the back of the base to create an angle, to work you shins move the bag down on the mounting pole add a trap strap to keep the bottom of the bag against the pole( don’t forget to put the ratchet away from you, or you will remember the second time ouch. When done just remove and store. BOB is more than just another pretty face lol.