Re: My crazy weekend! Testimonial, more than self defense. – The Self Defense Company

Re: My crazy weekend! Testimonial, more than self defense.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture My crazy weekend! Testimonial, more than self defense. Re: My crazy weekend! Testimonial, more than self defense.


Jame, I’ve done my share of security work in Miami lol. No I’ve always wanted to be an officer even took all the test when I moved back here this past year. The city took way to long on everything and I was really forced to find another job. But it’s in life insurance lol I can help people after their dead. Joking aside Saturday was crazy and not the first time I’ve run to danger. I’m really glad the kid will be home for Christmas, banged up but he will be home. I know it was tramatizing for him, and me every time I close my eyes I see his face, and I see him flying one way and his bike another. I’ve seen some really bad shit (the Miami zombie) I was a block away working security at a hotel when that happened. But this one is really wanting to stick with me. I just keep thinking if my kids and last night I had a long talk with them on situational awareness.