Re: My crazy weekend! Testimonial, more than self defense. – The Self Defense Company

Re: My crazy weekend! Testimonial, more than self defense.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture My crazy weekend! Testimonial, more than self defense. Re: My crazy weekend! Testimonial, more than self defense.

Dallas Williams

If the liberals had their way your job would be a lot harder because if Obama was able to disarm the public of their firearms as he would like to do we would have very little means of protecting ourselves or families from criminals who would find ways to get guns no matter what kind of legislation there is. Police would be doing a lot more cleaning up after the fact and filing out paperwork after the victims had already been robbed, raped, kidnapped, murdered, etc. And if you guys are able to get there before the thugs were able to get away yall would be having to shoot it out with them and possibly dealing with hostage situations, whereas when civilians are armed and trained in how to protect themselves if need be the optimal situation would be by the time you get on scene the attacker is already either dead or being detained by the victims which ends up being a much happier ending for everybody. I know as a SDTS guy that guns are far from the be all end all of self defense, but if you can and have time to deploy a weapon and use it the odds become stacked much more in your favor than if you have to rely on empty hand tactics alone, especially if the attacker is also armed or has buddies to back him up which in most cases he always is.