Re: My crazy weekend! Testimonial, more than self defense. – The Self Defense Company

Re: My crazy weekend! Testimonial, more than self defense.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture My crazy weekend! Testimonial, more than self defense. Re: My crazy weekend! Testimonial, more than self defense.

James Goolsby


My brother, my friend. Let me tell you something… if you ever get tired of insurance and DJ’ing, and are looking to get into law enforcement (and wouldn’t mind relocating to Nashville, of course Smile) just let me know. My department is always looking for proactive people like yourself. Freakin’ well done!!!!

Glad your safe, and super-glad the kid made it out okay. You’ve done something you can be proud of for the rest of your life! Good job, bro.

BTW, you shoulda grab the — ahem — “gun” and whipped his ass with it for being a douchetard! Laugh