Re: Now this is what we be talkin about :)! Passengers on a bus take action and disarm a gunman! – The Self Defense Company

Re: Now this is what we be talkin about :)! Passengers on a bus take action and disarm a gunman!

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Now this is what we be talkin about :)! Passengers on a bus take action and disarm a gunman! Re: Now this is what we be talkin about :)! Passengers on a bus take action and disarm a gunman!

Young Wang

He clearly used a Krav Maga style gun defense he probably saw off youtube. He grabbed the barrel and punched it into the criminal’s hip, “redirecting the line of fire(true, but that’s the easy part)” and pinning it there, “controlling the weapon(not really)” and than proceeded with multiple punches to the jaw(great if you can actually knock him out). Problem was that after the punches, he still couldn’t quite wrench the gun out of his hands and “break his trigger finger in the process.” Luckily, the gun was either unloaded, jammed, or he was just unwilling to fire as the fight went down to the ground. I tend to look at the fact that the criminal was still conscious and that they had to hold him down until the police arrived as an example of how the average guy using punches isn’t enough to consistently knock another fully grown criminal out. He would have been much better off using edge of hand chops anywhere along the general neck area. But above all else, he should have taken the GOLDEN opportunity to attack while the criminal’s back was TURNED on HIM and the gun was pointed at someone ELSE. Why WAIT until the gun is pointed at you to actually do something? It’s much easier to knock someone out when they’re not looking right at you and have no idea what’s going on. “The punch you don’t see coming is the one that knocks you out.” Things could have gone a lot worse…case in point… and if they did the left would’ve used this as an example of how risky stuff like this is and how they should have all just did whatever the criminal asked, ASSUME that he’s sane, and to “cooperate” FIRST and call the police after the criminal leaves LATER and to only use force when it’s already too late. Well, we all saw how great that advice worked out with 9-11. So now as a result of an EMOTIONAL tragedy, we are LOGICALLY conditioned to accept more TSA groping and more restrictions on what we can’t carry on planes, now isn’t that just so convenient for big government?