Re: Now this is what we be talkin about :)! Passengers on a bus take action and disarm a gunman! – The Self Defense Company

Re: Now this is what we be talkin about :)! Passengers on a bus take action and disarm a gunman!

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Now this is what we be talkin about :)! Passengers on a bus take action and disarm a gunman! Re: Now this is what we be talkin about :)! Passengers on a bus take action and disarm a gunman!

Dallas Williams

This is why it’s all too important to frequently train and drill strikes and combinations on the BOB or dummy and do the hand and body conditioning exercises from module 6 so we can have that perfect KO power and technique down when it is imperative and needed the most in situations such as these where it could be the difference between life and death.