Re: Off Duty NYC Cop almost beaten to death - VERY GRAPHIC – The Self Defense Company

Re: Off Duty NYC Cop almost beaten to death – VERY GRAPHIC

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Off Duty NYC Cop almost beaten to death – VERY GRAPHIC Re: Off Duty NYC Cop almost beaten to death – VERY GRAPHIC


[James Goolsby] – it’s human nature to become complacent.

You’ll find the same percentages in society that actually take care of themselves and keep themselves in shape are the same that build and maintain their skills in law enforcement.

Yet the public perception is that every cop is trained like some Hollywood spec ops soldier.

The only time it (training) will ever happen is if the department institutes annual physical testing but the unions will never allow it.

The NJ State Troopers used to have to meet annual requirements up until a few years ago and those men and women looked impressive coming out of the cruiser.

Now you’re starting to see pudgy troopers and it doesn’t look good.

My buddy Steve Mannion (who’s a federal circuit court judge now) worked on a case where two guys abducted and murdered two officers in a NJ diner. The diner was frequented by cops and when he asked them how they chose their vics they just said, they looked sloppy. They were over weight, their uniforms looked messy – in short, they looked like easy marks (and they were right).

What every cop and civilian need o realize, the more that they appear to be able to kick ass, the less criminals will choose them. It’s just that simple.