Re: Off Duty NYC Cop almost beaten to death - VERY GRAPHIC – The Self Defense Company

Re: Off Duty NYC Cop almost beaten to death – VERY GRAPHIC

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Off Duty NYC Cop almost beaten to death – VERY GRAPHIC Re: Off Duty NYC Cop almost beaten to death – VERY GRAPHIC

James Goolsby

[Damian Ross],

Agreed. It’s as you say: Football players don’t get mugged.

Now, I’ll be the first to admit, I am one of those pudgy officers you speak of. Mod 7 is helping with that tremendously (thank you, sir), but I’m not there yet. In the meantime, knowing that, I make double sure that my boots are shined, my uniform is ironed, and I stand tall. Hell, you could slice cheddar with the creases in my sleeves! Smile So, even though I have a hefty stomach, most people can tell I mean business. Imagine how much better it will be when I reach my target weight. Big or small, there is just no excuse for looking sloppy.