Re: Ralph Grasso a legit authority on WW2 combatives? Don't think so lol. – The Self Defense Company

Re: Ralph Grasso a legit authority on WW2 combatives? Don’t think so lol.

Home Forums Self Defense Current Events and Culture Ralph Grasso a legit authority on WW2 combatives? Don’t think so lol. Re: Ralph Grasso a legit authority on WW2 combatives? Don’t think so lol.

Dallas Williams

Not to mention with a stick you’re a lot better off attacking with thrusts/jabs like we do in module 9 because for one you’re opponent is expecting you to swing like a golf club or baseball bat so he will be less likely to know what’s coming and be able to evade or counter. And second you’re can do just as much if not more damage like that as you can with a swing because you’re concentrating a lot of force into a smaller impact area.