Re: Reality training. – The Self Defense Company

Re: Reality training.

Dallas Williams

Yeah great ideas Archie we need to train to still be able to function in a wide variety of conditions and ailments or injuries that could possibly occur during an altercation. This is another reason I love outdoor SDTS training even in hot, cold, rainy, snowy, icy, etc. weather is you never know where an attack might happen more often then not outdoors in a parking lot as opposed to the comfort of the indoors a carpet floor, room temperature, etc. Also I’ve been practically raised since childhood in the outdoors like being taken on many hunting and fishing trips with dad so aside from my weight training which I do at the gym everything else I prefer and enjoy to do more outdoors when possible. For instance as you pointed out in one youtube winter video it’s a lot more difficult to fight and maintain your footing on icy ground than dry ground so we better train and prepare for when the time comes we may need it :) ! Either train honestly and realisticly or go home lol.